Agendas and minutes, July 2001
Scope and Contents
In its continuing role as an advisory committee, the Council of Academic Deans meets with the Vice President of Academic Affairs to provide input on the administration of academics at Texas State University. Joint meetings have also included the Faculty Senate, the VPAA/Provost’s Senior Staff, and the Council of Chairs. The records within this collection document these official meetings and include: agendas, minutes, correspondence, meeting schedules, and agenda summaries. Also included are documents and handouts supporting agenda items or meeting topics, including: notes, reports, memoranda, periodicals, publications, and printed presentation slides. Operating Letters for the Division of Academic Affairs (referred to as AA/OL) and for the University (referred to SWT/OL), later referred to as Policies and Procedures Statements (AA/PPS and UPPS) are also present with the collection. These include the PPS for the Council of Academic Deans as well as PPS and drafts of PPS for policies and procedures discussed by the Council. Records date from 1977 through 1988 and 1996 through 2017. Undated materials are also included. Topics covered mainly involve issues related to the administration of academics at the University and include: strategic planning; curriculum proposals and changes; admissions; accreditation; budgets; academic programs; legislation affecting the University, and issues concerning faculty such as salary, tenure, grants, and awards.
Records dating from 1977 through 1988 include meeting agendas and minutes as well as supporting documentation for meeting topics. Records dating 1996 through September 2000 include information related only to meeting planning and the operation of the Council, and do not include records related to specific meetings such as agendas or minutes. From September 2000 through February 2004, agendas and minutes are present, as well as information on planning meetings, such as schedules, but handouts and documentation supporting agenda items or meeting topics is not present. Beginning... in March 2004, meeting minutes are no longer included, only meeting agendas and their supporting documentation are present. Starting in August 2006, an Agenda Summary and Action Items for each meeting is included as well as supporting handouts. Records dating from 2012 through 2017 only include the agenda summary and actions items for each meeting.
- Other: July 2001
- From the Collection: Texas State University. Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. Council of Academic Deans (Organization)
Conditions Governing Access
Open to researchers without restriction.
From the Collection: 4.71 Linear Feet (5 boxes)
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the Special Collections and Archives Repository
Alkek Library Room 204
601 University Drive
San Marcos Texas 78666 USA