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Sheila A. Hargett Portfolio

Identifier: 90.200-Faculty-2019-Hargett

Scope and Contents

This collection contains records related to Sheila Hargett's work as a costume designer for the Texas State University theatre department. She organized these materials by year and production title. Divided into two series dependent on format and transfer date to the University Archives.


  • 1978-2008


Conditions Governing Access

Open to researchers without restriction.

Conditions Governing Use

To the extent that they own copyright, the donor has assigned the copyright in their works to the Special Collections and Archives; however, copyright in some items in this collection may be held by their respective creators.

Sheila A. Hargett

Sheila Ann Hargett earned her B.A. at Southwest Texas State College in 1968, her M.A. at Louisiana State University in 1971, and her M.F.A. at Southern Methodist University in 1979. She joined then SWT as an Instructor of Theatre in the fall of 1971. She has been involved with the Texas Educational Theatre Association (TETA).

Hargett was Head of Costume Design/Technology at Texas State University for forty five years having designed costumes for more than one hundred productions and supervised student designs for as many. She has designed regionally for The Dallas Shakespeare Festival, Southern Methodist University, Eastfield College, Texas Playwrights Theatre Company, Live Oak Theatre, Zilker Theatrical Productions, as well as for Texas State University. She has received three AMOCCO American College Theatre Awards for her work. Sheila's designs have been seen in several theatrical exhibits--DESIGNFEST (which she either chaired or co-chaired for 18 years) at the Texas Educational Theatre Association Conference; Design Southwest Showcase, several National USITT Expo Exhibitions; the 2003 International Prague Quadrennial Exhibit and World Stage Design in Toronto, Canada in 2005. Her designs for THE NEXT AMENDMENT have been chosen for the 2007 Prague Quadrennial Exhibit. In the Spring of 2006 Sheila won the Austin Critics Table Award for her costumes in THE ROVER. While primarily a costume designer, Sheila began her career as an actress and still occasionally "crosses the boards"--her favorite roles have been Mary Tyrone in A LONG DAY'S JOURNEY INTO NIGHT, Fraulein Schneider in CABARET with Larry Hovis, and Linda in DEATH OF A SALESMAN, also with our beloved Larry Hovis.

Texas State University

Texas State University was established by the 26th Legislature in 1899 as the Southwest Texas State Normal School; 313 pupils were enrolled in 1903-04, the first year classes were held.

The school name changed to Southwest Texas State Normal College in 1918, to Southwest Texas State Teachers College in 1925, to Southwest Texas State College in 1959, to Southwest Texas State University in 1969, to Texas State University-San Marcos in 2003, and to Texas State University in 2013.


101 items (Individually-wrapped items identified by year and production title.)

5 Linear Feet

2.51 Gigabytes

Language of Materials



Sheila Hargett is the Head of Costume Design/Technology at Texas State University. This collection contains records related to Hargett's work as a costume designer for University theatre productions including design sketches and portfolios and digital files.

Physical Location

Materials may be stored off-site. Advance notice may be required for use.

Immediate Source of Acquisition

Digital files transferred from Sheila A. Hargett, 2017 November. Costume design portfolios donated June 2019 by Sheila A. Hargett.

Related Materials

Hargett did an oral history interview dated 2017. Please contact for more information as it is unprocessed.

Sheila A. Hargett Portfolio
In Progress
Nicole Critchley
2021 April
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description

Repository Details

Part of the Special Collections and Archives Repository

Alkek Library Room 204
601 University Drive
San Marcos Texas 78666 USA