Showing Records: 1 - 20 of 74328
, 1977
Includes 2 versions of the manuscript. The first version was sent to Lee with a letter dated May 11. The second version has changes made to page 33.
“______, Robert letter addressed to the “Hon. (Once) Richard Nixon”, 1975
Series X holds various writings by others as collected by Dudley Dobie, Sr. These writings are arranged alphabetically. They include authors Col. M. L. Crimmins, Bill Leftwich, Merze Marvin Seeburger, C. V. Terrell, Edna May Turns, and Sam Woolford. The newspaper articles written by Edna May Turns are from the years 1931 through 1936 and are very fragile. The dates of the writings contained in this series range from 1927 through 1977.
"#0. Interviews Pfunk"; Ed Ward intervies with George Clinton and Bootsy of Parliament Funkadelic., 1978, 1982
“#1”, undated
¼ inch reel-to-reel tapes
(1-2 of 3 folders), 1993
Publicity Material spans 1978-2014 and is divided into the following subseries: Cisneros Cover Stories; Magazines with Articles about Cisneros; Newspaper and Other Articles; Appearance Publicity; Oversized; and Book Publisher Catalogs.
(1-4 of 7 folders), 2003
Publicity Material spans 1978-2014 and is divided into the following subseries: Cisneros Cover Stories; Magazines with Articles about Cisneros; Newspaper and Other Articles; Appearance Publicity; Oversized; and Book Publisher Catalogs.
(1-4 of 9 folders), 2002
Publicity Material spans 1978-2014 and is divided into the following subseries: Cisneros Cover Stories; Magazines with Articles about Cisneros; Newspaper and Other Articles; Appearance Publicity; Oversized; and Book Publisher Catalogs.
1 & 5 Year SCH Trends – 1999 – 2003, 1999 - 2003
This series contains research, statistics and reports related to SACS review and accreditation process. CBM stands for Coordinating Board Management Report.
"1-6-98 JJW-Early Oneonta Reworks"; Side A, Side B blank, January 6, 1998
1 11x14 photo of flute player in “Hear the Flute”
1 11x14 photo of Kirkland used in April 1990 Texas Monthly article
1. A: “Matt McConaughey”/B: “ED TV”
139 Microcassette interviews. Side A and Side B labels in quotation marks reflect Sumner's original labels. Also included are older audio cassettes (numbers 140-160)
0001 Anderson, Bill; unidentified
“#1 Anita #2 Pretty #3 Wine Bottles”, February 20, 2007
1 annotated map of Tabasco, Mexico; 1 annotated map of Tabasco, Mexico printed for CIA. Aeronautica del Sur S.A.
"1. Clinton's Last Erection", undated
1 Copy, signed
Newspaper articles, SXSW and ACL programs, and drafts for the John T. Davis archive. This collection includes a wide expanse of Davis’s articles from 1980-2010, including articles from Davis’s music review column in the Austin-American Statesman. This collection also contains official SXSW and ACL music and program guides, as well as drafts of Davis’s comprehensive ACL book, Austin City Limits: 25 Years of Music.
1 Copy, unsigned
Newspaper articles, SXSW and ACL programs, and drafts for the John T. Davis archive. This collection includes a wide expanse of Davis’s articles from 1980-2010, including articles from Davis’s music review column in the Austin-American Statesman. This collection also contains official SXSW and ACL music and program guides, as well as drafts of Davis’s comprehensive ACL book, Austin City Limits: 25 Years of Music.
1 cover photo for “The Disappearance of Widow Ellen” (11x14 mounted on mat)
1 design on watercolor paper for Opera Gala Benefit,(15” x 20”), 1988
Original oversized watercolor sketches of costumes for various plays and film projects.
Filter Results
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- Repository
- The Wittliff Collections 58063
- Special Collections and Archives 16265
- Type
- Archival Object 73404
- Digital Record 924
- Subject
- Music -- Texas 12909
- Musicians -- Texas 11002
- Music journalists 8881
- Literature 5865
- Authors, American -- Texas -- 20th century 4959
- Tejano music 4579
- Music publicity 4508
- Mexican Americans -- Texas -- Music 4480
- Conjunto music 4477
- San Antonio (Tex.) -- Social life and customs 4477
- Country music 4302
- Santa Fe Historic Trail 4041
- Authors 3881
- Poetry 3605
- Radio broadcasters 3591
- Music -- History and criticism 3437
- Screenwriters -- United States 3405
- New Mexico -- History 3347
- Dramatists -- Texas 3322
- Ironwork, Colonial 3022
- New Mexico -- Settler colonialism 3022
- Popular music -- Writing and publishing 2830
- American literature -- Mexican American authors 2775
- Musicians -- Biography 2598
- Gonzo journalism 2357
- Texas -- Description and travel 2164
- Women authors, American -- Texas -- 20th century 2152
- Universities and colleges -- Faculty 2126
- Books -- Reviews 1868
- Journalism 1721
- Popular culture 1649
- Texas -- History 1620
- Motion pictures -- Production and direction 1613
- Animated television programs 1585
- Historians -- Texas 1566
- Periodicals -- Publishing -- Texas 1353
- Historical fiction 1335
- Authors, American -- 20th century 1334
- Photography 1322
- Blues (Music) -- Texas 1314
- Screenplays 1282
- Publishers and publishing -- Texas 1149
- Golf -- United States -- Anecdotes 1118
- Sportswriters -- Texas 1114
- College theater -- Texas 1074
- Drama 1048
- Waco Branch Davidian Disaster, Tex., 1993 1043
- Film 1031
- American poetry -- Texas 976
- College teachers 970
- Feature films 962
- Fiction 950
- Natural history literature 944
- True crime stories 912
- Court proceedings 901
- American Girl dolls 889
- Folklorists -- Texas 889
- Lipan Indians 889
- New Mexico -- Glorieta Pass Battlefield 889
- Theater 878
- Investigative reporting 803
- Motion pictures 797
- Actors 788
- Dramatists 772
- Photography -- Texas 754
- Americana (Music) 740
- Concerts 723
- Musicians -- Photography 723
- Advertising 719
- Popular music 713
- Concert audience 694
- Women musicians 684
- World War, 1939-1945 671
- Motion picture industry 664
- Music 654
- Cookbooks 647
- Rivers in literature 638
- San Marcos (Tex.) -- History 608
- Songs -- Texts 588
- Music -- Performance 583
- Portrait photography -- United States 575
- Musicians -- Interviews 560
- Documentary photography 559
- Photographers 559
- Black theater 557
- Ensemble theater 557
- United States -- Social life and customs -- 1918-1945 -- Pictorial works 554
- Photographers -- Texas 528
- College sports 525
- Rock music--History and criticism 506
- Women musicians -- Texas 506
- Collectors and collecting 479
- Cartoons and comics 477
- Western stories 472
- Beer 469
- Songs -- Writing 464
- American poetry -- African American authors 456
- Illustrated children's books 456
- Juvenile literature 456
- Music -- Texas -- Austin 443 + ∧ less
- Language
- English 769
- Spanish; Castilian 17
- Multiple languages 4
- Names
- Beal, Greg 46
- Black, Shane 42
- Wittliff, William D. (1940-2019) 35
- Josephson, Barry, 1956- 32
- Nethercott, Gayla 32
- Platt, Polly 30
- Rapp, Anne (1951) 30
- Hancock, John Lee 26
- Broyles, William Jr., 1944- 22
- Harrigan, Stephen, 1948- 21
- Southwest Texas State University. Department of Journalism 20
- Dauterive, Jim 18
- Gross, Matthew 18
- Kazan, Nicholas, 1950- 18
- Shrake, Edwin 17
- McCanlies, Tim 16
- Tally, Ted 16
- Draper, Robert 14
- McQuarrie, Christopher 14
- Pierson, Frank R. 14
- Rossio, Terry 14
- Solomon, Ed 14
- Van Overbeek, Will 14
- Frank, Scott 13
- Petrie, Dan, Jr. 13
- Stone, Oliver 13
- Swicord, Robin 13
- Beechen, Adam 12
- Burrow, B. J. 12
- Helgeland, Brian 12
- Patrick, Michael 12
- Rosenberg, Scott, 1963- 12
- August, John 11
- Baraban, Joe 11
- Graves, John, 1920-2013 11
- Hart, Jim 11
- Pipkin, Turk 11
- Reinert, Al 11
- Sumner, Jane 11
- Berry, Pat 10
- Dobie, J. Frank (James Frank), 1888-1964 10
- Peer, Ron 10
- Winningham, Geoff 10
- Alexander, Scott, 1963- 9
- Bendinger, Jessica 9
- Brandt, Michael, 1968- 9
- Calvin, Peter A. 9
- Orr, Bonnie 9
- Pantin, Tomas 9
- Steckler, Paul 9
- Densham, Pen 8
- Henry, Buck 8
- Marlowe, Andrew W. 8
- Pumphrey, Steven 8
- Russell, Nicolas 8
- Scribner, Sam 8
- Belgrad, Doug, 1965- 7
- Bohem, Leslie 7
- Brooks, James L. 7
- Dannemiller, Keith 7
- Farrell, Juliana 7
- Freiberg, Mickey 7
- George, Terry 7
- Haas, Derek, 1970- 7
- Kirkley Photography, Inc. 7
- Levens, Philip 7
- Milius, John 7
- Nelson, Willie, 1933- 7
- Stuart, Jeb 7
- Thomas, Rob 7
- Wallace, Randall 7
- Duncan, Patrick 6
- Fontana, Tom, 1951- 6
- Garrett, Greg 6
- Hanley, Brent, 1970- 6
- Hardwick, Johnny 6
- King, Larry L. 6
- Noxon, Marti 6
- Pappas, Rick 6
- Patoski, Christina 6
- Poole, Bob 6
- Vogler, Christopher (1949-) 6
- Wright, Larry 6
- Altschuler, John 5
- Bird, Sarah 5
- Caron, Glenn Gordon 5
- Ford, Charles 5
- Goldberg, Gary David 5
- Grossman, John 5
- Hsiao, Rita 5
- Judge, Mike 5
- Khouri, Callie 5
- Krinsky, Dave, approximately 1963- 5
- McKenna, Aline Brosh 5
- Odom, Allen 5
- Pearlman, Deborah (1965-) 5
- Schatz, Thomas (1948-) 5
- Sklar, Chuck 5
- Smith, Kirsten 5
- Soderstrom, Bob 5 + ∧ less